
Office: PMO Negros Occidental / Bacolod / Banago Bredco
Phil-GEPS Project Notice of Award Notice to Proceed Contract BAC Resolution Other Documents

Procurement of Three (3) units - 50KVA Single Phase Transformer & Three (3) pcs. Fuse Link including testing & Commisioning fot TMO San Carlos

Repair/Retrofitting of Damaged RC Beams at RC Pier Along Causway, Port of Banago, Bacolod City Negros Occ.

Repair of Existing RC Pier, Riprap and Bridge at Causeway, Port of Banago, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Repair of San Carlos Port Underdeck, Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Repaif of CHB Fence, Covered Walkway, Deflector Wall and Mooring System, Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Repair of Banago Port Underdeck at Operational Area, Port of Banago, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Repair/Asphalt Overlay in Existing Pavement (Phase 3), Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Procurement of One (1) Lot Information and Comminucation Technology (ICT) Equipment for the Division of PMO-Negros Occidental/BBB, Port of Banago, Bacolod City

Procurement of Semi-Expendable Office Machinery and Equipment for CY 2021

Various Maintenance of PMO Building, Port of Banago, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental

Procurement of Semi-Expendable Office Machinery & Equipment CY 2021

Maintenance of Marshalling Area (Demolition of Old Passenger Terminal Buidling Including Concreting of Affected Area), Danao Port, Escalante City to PPA, PMO-Negros Occidental/Bacolod/Banago

Repair/Asphalt Overlay in Existing Pavement (Phase II), Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Repair of Main Entrance Gate Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City Negros Occidental

Repair of Banago Port Underdeck Port of Banago, Bacolod City Negros Occidental

Repair/Asphalt Overlay in Existing Pavement (Phase II) Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City Negros Occidental

Minutes of Pre-bid Conference for the project: Repair of Main Entrance Gate Port of San Carlos, San Carlos City Negros Occidental

Repair of Banago Port Underdeck Port of Banago, Bacolod City Negros Occidental

Repair of Secondary Ga, Port of Banago, Bacolod City

Repair of Damaged Fender Black to PPA, PMO-Negros Occidental