PPA News & Events

PPA bans disembarkation of vessel crews from nCoV-hit China, cancels visitation privileges of relatives of Pinoys, NGO’s while docked at any PPA-controlled port

3 FEBRUARY 2020, MANILA—The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) further tightened its noose in all ports, banning the disembarkation of vessel crews while docked at any PPA-controlled ports.

PPA likewise canceled all visitation privileges given to relatives of Filipino seafarers to board as well as boarding privileges of non-government organizations extending emotional and spiritual help to seafarers.

PPA adopts strict nCoV prevention measures in ports

31 JANUARY 2020, MANILA—The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is adopting stringent prevention measures against the deadly Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) encompassing all PPA-controlled ports nationwide after the Department of Health (DOH) confirmed the first nCoV case Thursday.

PPA General Manager Jay Daniel R. Santiago has directed all port managers to double the measures from general thermal scanning to individual checks if a passenger reaches a certain body temperature level.

PPA wins FOI award, fills 42% of its vacant positions in 2019

02 JANUARY 2020, MANILA—After a runner-up finish in 2018, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has been officially recognized as the ‘FOI Champion’ by the Presidential Communications Operations Office in the 2019 Freedom of Information (FOI) awards for Government-owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs).

PPA received the award on 12 December 2019.

The Authority bested other GOCCs led by two-time FOI Champion for GOCCs winner National Housing Authority and the Authority of the Freeport of Bataan.

‘Serbisyo at Malasakit’ sums up milestone year for PPA

12 DECEMBER 2019, MANILA—With roughly two weeks before ending 2019, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is expecting to end the year on a positive note anchored on Serbisyo at Malasakit.

The PPA has been showing record-breaking performances in terms of dividends, cargo volume, revenues and completion of a huge number of port projects this year. Interestingly, PPA also marked its 45th founding anniversary this year.

PPA ports under heightened alert ahead of UNDAS 2019

24 OCTOBER 2019, MANILA—The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has put all ports nationwide under heightened alert, a week before the expected exodus of passengers brought about by the school semester break and the celebration of the All Saints’ Day.

The heightened alert will go on until November 10.

According to PPA General Manager Jay Daniel R. Santiago, the move is to ensure the safety and security of all passengers at the ports and at the same time maintain order in port operations.

PPA deploys new port police to key ports nationwide

23 OCTOBER 2019, MANILA—Upon completing and passing the rigorous port police training, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) will be deploying newly graduated port police officers to different ports of the PPA ahead of UNDAS 2019.

The 80 port police officers will augment the existing port police force in securing the safety, security and comfort of the sea-traveling public in all PPA ports nationwide.

Free Passenger Terminal Fee beneficiaries reach 280k

17 OCTOBER 2019, MANILA--Some 280,000 sea-going passengers availed of the Terminal Fee waiver for Senior Citizens, PWDs, students and selected uniformed personnel being implemented by the PPA since 15 July 2019.

This is equivalent to an estimated P5 million in terminal fees for the period 15 July 2019 to 31 August 2019.

For the first 45 days of the free terminal fee initiative, 95,513 students, 156,972 senior citizens, 9,683 PWDs and 16,405 uniformed personnel have benefited from the program.

PPA beefs up port security, hires additional port police personnel

11 OCTOBER 2019, MANILA—The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is beefing up its port police force nationwide in its bid to secure the country’s ports from all kinds of threat.

By the end of the year, the PPA will be deploying some 80 additional port police personnel to augment its existing port police force to man the 115 ports under PPA jurisdiction.

The new members of the PPA port police are now undergoing rigorous physical, emotional and intellectual preparations at the PPA training facility located north of Manila.

PPA sets-up “Gender-Neutral” restrooms, promotes gender inclusivity

20 AUGUST 2019, MANILA—The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is adopting a “Gender-Neutral Restroom” facility in all its ports nationwide in its bid to promote gender sensitivity and inclusivity.

The facilities will be completed and available in all PPA terminals not later than the end of August this year.

PPA General Manager Jay Daniel R. Santiago said the adoption of such facility has been under study for  the past couple of months in order to come-up with the best solution and maintain the balance among all genders.