29 AUGUST 2019, MANILA—The Philippines, through the Philippine Ports Authority, is hosting the PIANC-COPEDEC X 2020 Conference on 16-20 November 2020.
The theme for this conference is “Enhancing Waterborne Transport and Sustaining Coastal Development”.
The Conference, expected to gather decision-makers and experts from all around the globe, aims to provide an international forum where coastal and port engineers from developing countries can exchange theoretical and technical know-how and experiences from industrialized countries as well as to enable the developing countries to have a sustainable human resource pool of coastal and port development professionals.
As of the moment, the PIANC-COPEDEC or the Permanent International Association of Navigational Congresses – Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, is calling for the submission of Abstracts from local and foreign experts and interested stakeholders. The Abstract will be the basis which research papers will be presented during the Conference. The deadline is on 31 October 2019.
For other concerns and inquiries about the Conference, you can visit their website www.pianc-copedec2020.org or their official Facebook page /pianc.copedecx. You can also email the Secretariat at secretariat@pianc-copedec2020.org.