
Type Number Issuance Date Subject File
MC 007-1988 Feb 04, 1988 New Methodology in the Granting of Increases in Cargo Handling Rates
AO 007-1986 Nov 24, 1986 Caro Handling at Loading/Unloading Terminals Along Rivers
MC 030-1986 Aug 07, 1986 Guidelines For the Proper Implementation of Extension of Free Storage Period Under Paragraph 16 of PPA Memorandum Circular No. 14-83
MC 022-1986 Jun 05, 1986 Guidelines on the Implementation of Section 30 (c) of PPA Administrative Order No. 13-77 (General Port Regulations on the Philippine Ports Authority) Regarding the Prohibition of Tugs Not to Leave Their Barges/Lighters at Berth
MC 019-1986 Apr 04, 1986 Conversion Rate for Coke Breeze for Purposes of Port Charges Computation
MC 003-1986 Jan 09, 1986 Exemption of Vessels Calling at the Private Port of Total Bulk Corp. from Coverage of Compulsory Pilotage
MO 002-1986 Jan 08, 1986 Supplemental Guidelines in the Collection of Wharfage Dues on Domestic Cargo and Government Share on Arrastre Income
MC 046-1985 Dec 09, 1985 Implementing Guidelines and Clarification of Certain Provisions of PPA Administrative Order No. 03-85, Entitled "Rules and Regulations Governing Pilotage Services, the Conduct of Pilots and Pilotage Fees in Philippine Ports"
AO 009-1985 Nov 21, 1985 Reduction of Stevedoring, Arrastre and Stripping/Stuffing Rates for Domestic Containers Measuring Five (5) Feet and Below
MC 039-1985 Nov 05, 1985 Exemption of Caltex Private Ports from the Coverage of Compulsory Pilotage on Tankers Contracted by Them
MC 030-1985 Aug 26, 1985 Clarification on Fertilizer to be Considered as Dangerous Cargo
MC 028-1985 Jul 15, 1985 Guidelines on the Handling and Storage of Dangerous Cargoes
AO 003-1985 Mar 21, 1985 Rules Regulations Governing Pilotage Services the Conduct of Pilots Pilotage Fees in Philippine Ports
MC 026-1984 Nov 26, 1984 Treatment of Mail Matters Relative to Wharfage Dues
MC 020-1984 Aug 14, 1984 Implementing Guidelines for Enforcement of Route Authorization for Coastwise Vessels
MC 006-1984 Feb 27, 1984 1984 Port Tariff Rates
AO 010-1983 Dec 20, 1983 Prescribing Guidelines On the Safe Transport of Containerized and Conventional Cargoes
MO 020A-1983 Oct 11, 1983 Supplemental Guidelines on the Proper Assessment and Collection of the New Port Charges
MO 020-1983 Jul 26, 1983 Implementating Guidelines on the Proper Assessment and Collection of the New Port Charges
MO 009-1983 Mar 23, 1983 Guidelines in the Collection of Wharfage Dues on Domestic Cargo and Government Share on Arrastre Income