
Type Number Issuance Date Subject File
AO 014-1995 Mar 03, 1995 Amendment to PPA AO 01-95 RE Increase in the Authorized Number of Harbor Pilot Positions in all Pilotage Districts
AO 012-1995 Mar 03, 1995 Regulations on Compulsory Tug Assistance at the BasePort of Cagayan de Oro
AO 003-1995 Feb 16, 1995 Supplementary Guidelines to PPA AO No. 06-81 Entitled "Implementing Guidelines on Mooring and Unmooring of Lines of Vessels Alongside Piers, Wharf, Etc."
MC 008-1995 Feb 10, 1995 Increase in Cargo Handling Rates/Charges at The South Harbor and Manila International Container Terminal
MC 005-1995 Jan 31, 1995 Cargo Handling Rate Increases
AO 002-1995 Jan 19, 1995 Revised Guidelines in the Implementation of the Vessel Operations Commitment (VOC) Between Authorized Cargo Handling Contractor and Vessel Owner/Agent
AO 010-1995 Jan 13, 1995 Guidelines on the Revocation/Cancellation of Contract/Permit for Cargo Handling Services or Cargo Handling Contract Recall (CHCR)
AO 011-1995 Jan 11, 1995 Amendment to the Application of the Revised Fixed Fee and the Fixed Fee/Variable Fee Policies in the Imposition of Government Share/PPA share from Cargo Handling Operators/Contractors
AO 001-1995 Jan 11, 1995 Increase in the Authorized Number of Harbor Pilot Positions in All Pilotage Districts
MC 003-1995 Jan 05, 1995 Implementing Guidelines on the Proper Assessment and Collection of the 1994 PPA Port Tariff Rates
MC 016-1994 Jul 06, 1994 Cargo Handling Rates Adjustmets at the South Harbor
MC 015-1994 Jul 05, 1994 Ten (10%) Percent Increase in Cargo Handling Tariff for United Dockhandlers, Inc., North Star Development Corporation and Pier 8 Arrastre at North Harbor (Manila)
MC 007-1994 Mar 09, 1994 1994 Port Tariff Rates
AO 001-1994 Mar 07, 1994 Increase in the Number of Harbor Pilot Positions at the Batangas Pilotage District
MO 004-1993 Nov 09, 1993 Rates Under the Schedule of Restructured Cargo Handling Tariff Are Ceiling Rates
MC 023-1993 Jul 19, 1993 Exemption from Payment of Export Wharfage of Firms Registered with the Board of Investments
MC 018-1993 Jul 05, 1993 Performance Bond Requirement for PPA Reserve Harbor Pilots
MC 014-1993 May 03, 1993 Subscription and Oath on Costing/Passenger Manifests in Line with Executive ORder No. 493
AO 001-1993 Mar 16, 1993 Exclusive of "Coal in Bulk` from the Twenty-Five Percent (25%) Additional Charges on "Dangerous Cargo
MC 004-1993 Feb 11, 1993 Reduction of Free Storage Period for All Imported Cargoes