
Office: PMO Negros Oriental / Siquijor
Phil-GEPS Project Notice of Award Notice to Proceed Contract BAC Resolution Other Documents

Repair of Damaged CHB Fence and Demolition of Structures Along Access Road Leading to PTB, Port of Larena, Siquijor

Repair of Pavement and Caved-in Fill at Reclamation Area, Port of Larena, Siquijor

Repair of Damaged RC Deck and Rock Causeway, Port of Lazi, Siquijor

Repair of Covered Walkway and Drainage System, Port of Dumaguete, Dumaguete City

Repair and Upgrading of Perimeter Fence at Back-up Area, Port of Dumaguete, Dumaguete City

Repair and Improvement of Port Lighting System; Ports of Dumaguete, Dumaguete City; Larena, Siquijor; Bulado, Guihulngan City and Siquijor, Siquijor

Repair of Curtain Wall at Piers 1, 2 & 3 and RoRo Ramp (R-3) Including Mooring and Fendering System, Port of Dumaguete, Dumaguete City

Construction of Passenger Terminal Building, Port of Siquijor, Siquijor

Proposed Wave Deflector and Passenger Walkway, Port of Dumaguete, Dumaguete City


Office: PMO Northern Luzon
Phil-GEPS Project Notice of Award Notice to Proceed Contract BAC Resolution Other Documents

Repainting of TMO Office, Genset House, Concrete Curb and Mooring Fixtures, Port Sual, Pangasinan

Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Deavila Port Development Project, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte

Repair and Repainting of Mooring Fixtures, Steel Grating Canal Cover and Concrete Curb, Port of Currimao, Ilocos Norte

Various Repair Works of Port Facilties Damaged by Typhoon Domeng, Port of Basco, Batanes

Various Repair and Repainting Works at Visitor's Center Poro, City San Fernando, La Union

Repair of Scoured Portion of Retaining Wall and Various Repair Works of Training Center Facilties, Poro, San Fernando City, La Union

Construction of Infinity Pool and Additional Rooms of Visitors Center Bldg. at PPATC Compound, Poro, San Fernando City, La Union

Resolution Daclaring Failure of Bidding for the Proposed Dredging of Iloilo River Wharf, Iloilo City, Panay Island

Resolution Declaring Failure of Bidding Repair of Damaged Port Facilities Damaged By Typhoon Ompong, Port of Claveria, Cagayan

Minutes of Pre-bid conference of three (3) projects