
Type Number Issuance Date Subject File
MC 010-2003 Mar 29, 2003 Conduct and Submission of Comprehensive Security Survey/Plan and Designation of Port Facility Security Officer
MC 008-2003 Mar 28, 2003 Accomplishment and Submission of the Revised Vessel Information Sheet
OMO 002-2003 Mar 19, 2003 Settlement of Account for Cargo Handling Services
MC 006-2003 Mar 17, 2003 Suspension of Implementation of PPA Memorandum Circular No. 02-2003
MC 004-2003 Feb 17, 2003 Guidelines on the Movement and Documentation of Domestic Containerized/Cargo at South Harbor
MC 003-2003 Feb 07, 2003 Amending Item 24, Article II of PPA Memorandum Circular No. 03-95: Implementing Guidelines on the Proper Assessment and Collection of the 1994 PPA Port Tariff Rates
MC 001-2003 Jan 10, 2003 Suspension of Previously Approved Increase in Domestic Port Charges
MC 027-2002 Jul 22, 2002 Guidelines in the Collection of Port Charges and Cargo Handling Charges for Domestic Operations
MC 025-2002 Jul 03, 2002 Regulations on the Proper Marking and Labeling of Dangerous Cargoes
MC 013-2002 Mar 07, 2002 Reduction of Documentary Requirements for Arrival and Departure Clearance for Domestic and Foreign Vessels
MC 006-2002 Jan 28, 2002 Procedures in the Conduct of Public Hearings for Rate Increases
MC 007-2002 Jan 25, 2002 Guidelines for the Management and Operation of Parking Areas of North Harbor
MC 004-2002 Jan 22, 2002 Suspension of Cargo Handling Rate Increase Effected January 12, 2003 in South Harbor and MICT for a Period of Fifteen (15) Days
AO 001-2002 Jan 04, 2002 Guidelines on the Imposition of Interest and Penalty Charges as Amended
MC 047-2001 Dec 21, 2001 Additional Ten Percent (10%) Increase in the Cargo Handling tariff at South Harbor and MICT
MC 046-2001 Dec 11, 2001 Monitoring of Chemicals under the Priority Chemicals List (PCL)
OMO 006-2001 Nov 28, 2001 Standby Penalty Charges at South Harbor and Manila International Container Terminal (MICT)
OMO 005-2001 Nov 22, 2001 Crane Productivity at South Harbor and Manila International Container Terminal (MICT)
OMO 004-2001 Nov 16, 2001 Guidelines for the Management and Operations of Parking Areas at the Expanded Port Zone (EPZ) PMO South Harbor
MC 040-2001 Oct 09, 2001 Amended Guidelines in the Collection of Port Charges and Cargo Handling Charges in PMO North Harbor