2020 GGS


Name of GOCC::  Philippine Ports Authority

Sector : Utilities andd Information-Communication

Date Submitted  ; September 29,2021

Year Being Assessed: 2020 CGS

  I. Stakeholder Relationship          
I 1.a  Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Stipulates the existence and scope of its effort to address customer's welfare? Y The GOCC must 1.) identify its stakeholders and 2.) state the policies that were created for the welfare of its customers.

The stated policies must not be ambiguous and should include their underlying principles and guidelines.

Section 39 of Revised PPA Manual of Corporate Governance identified and recognized its stakeholders from the three (3) sectors of society namely: Government, Business and Citizen or Civic sector. PPA Memorandum Circular No. 17-2001 was issued to improve the delivery of services, specifically on the area of orderliness, cleanliness and safety in the ports. PPA Memorandum Circular No. 11-2015 and 12-2015 established the Port Safety, Health and Environmental Management System (PSHEMS) Project at the Port of Batangas and Socsargen to continually improve the passenger terminal building operations, control and management in conformity with international best practices as well as with local and international statutory requirements and standards on safety, health and environment in order to enhance the well-being of its passengers, employees, port workers and stakeholders, to prevent accidents and pollution and to protect and conserve the environments. Y

Revised PPA Manual of Corporate Governance;

PPA Memorandum Circular No, 17-2001;

PPA Memorandum Circular No, 11-2015 ; and

PPA Memorandum Circular No. 12-2015.

  I 1.b  Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Elaborates its efforts to interact with the communities in which they operate? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on interacting with the communities around it.

The identified policy must not be ambiguous and should include its princples and guidelines.
Section 38 of Revised PPA Manual of Corporate Governance provides that PPA is inherently mandated to be socially responsible, to act and operate as good corporate citizen. The Board shall rerecognize and perform the obligations the PPA has towards the National Government, together with the employees, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders, and the communities in which it operates. PPA is also a member to various Regional Development Councils. Y Revised PPA Manual of Corporate Governance
  I 1.c  Does the GOCC disclose a policy that: Ensure that its value chain is environmentally friendly or is consistent with promoting sustainable development? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on 1) keeping its value chain environmentally friendly or 2) promoting sustainable development.

The identified policy must not only show how the GOCC complies with existing environmental regulations but should also show how it employs value processes that reduce waste and damage to the environment. The policy should also not be ambiguous and should include its princples and guidelines.
PPA issued PPA Administrative Order No. 05-2018 or the Port Environmental Policy which is a policy based on the principles of environmental sustainability, compliance with environmental protection measures and standards, support of alternative sources of energy and implementation of energy efficient measures and the continuous education and capacity building of workers and stateholders.  Y PPA Administrative Order No. 05-2018 PPA Administrative Order No. 14 - 2020
  I 2.a  Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Customer health and safety) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on customer health and safety.

The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
PPA issued PPA Memorandum Circular No. 02-2020 regarding the management port protocols in response to the COVID-2019. Y PPA Memorandum Circular No. 02-2020; PPA 2020 Annual Report
  I 2.b  Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Interaction with the communities) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on community interaction.

The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
The 2020 Annual Report with a theme Bayanihan sa Pantalan provides for activities that were undertaken with various stakeholders in the community to mitigate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. PPA has also set-up Malasakit Helpdesk in the ports nationwide to assist its stakeholders. Y PPA 2020 Annual Report 
  I 2.c  Does the GOCC disclose the activities that it has undertaken to implement the abovementioned policies? (Environmentally-friendly value chain) Y The GOCC must state the activities it has undergone during the year being assessed to implement its policies on promoting sustainable development and/or environmentally-friendly value chain.

The GOCC must state the dates when the aforementioned activities took place.
PPA Administrative Order No. 14-2020 dated December 18, 2020 was issued providing for mandatory tree and/or mangrove planting as a condition for the issuance of accreditation, certificate of registration, appointment, or award of contract or renewal/extension thereof. Y PPA Administrative Order No. 14-2020
  I 3 Does the GOCC have a separate corporate social responsibility (CSR) report/section or sustainability report/section? Y The GOCC must identify both (1) the social and environmental issues of its stakeholders and (2) the activities it undertook to address the said issues during the year being assessed.

No points will be given if only the stakeholders and their CSR issues are identified. 
Page 39 of the 2020 Annual Report provided for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Statements  Y PPA 2020 Annual Report 
  I 4 Where stakeholder interests are protected by law, stakeholders should have the opportunity to obtain effective redress for violation of their rights. Does the GOCC provide contact details via the company's website or Annual Report which stakeholders (e.g. customers, suppliers, general public etc.) can use to voice their concerns and/or complaints for possible violation of their rights? Y The GOCC must have contact details (phone number or email address) specifically for concerns and/or complaints. PPA website provided for feedback and redress mechanism under the PPA's Citizen Charter containing email addresses and hotline numbers. Y
  I 5.a Performance-enhancing mechanisms for employee participation should be permitted to develop. Does the GOCC explicitly mention the health, safety and welfare policy for  its employees? Y The GOCC must clearly identify its policy on employee health, welfare and safety.

The identified policy must not be ambiguous and should include its principles and guidelines.
The 16th Collective Negotiation Agreement provided on the employee benefits, rights and privileges. Y 7th Collective Negotiation Agreement
  I 5.b  Does the GOCC publish data relating to health, safety and welfare of its employees? Y  The GOCC must publish data related to health, safety and welfare of its employees such as, but not limited to, absenteeism and occupational injuries/diseases.    N  
  I 5.c  Does the GOCC have training and development programmes for its employees? Y The training and development programs for employees must have occurred during the year being assessed and there should be a brief description describing each of the programs. Courses available are posted in PPAs website through PPA e-Learning Bulletin which provides access to registered users on available course reviewer. Y 
  I 5.d  Does the GOCC publish data on training and development programms for its employees? Y The GOCC must give the name of the program and either the 1.) number of participants per program or 2.) average hours per training held Courses available are posted in PPAs website through PPA e-Learning Bulletin which provides access to registered users on available course reviewer. Y 
  I 6.a  Stakeholders including individual employee and their representative bodies, should be able to freely communicate their concerns about illegal or unethical practices to the board and their rights should not be compromised for doing this. Does the GOCC have procedures for complaints by employees concerning illegal (including corruption) and unethical behavior? Y The GOCC must disclose the actual procedures of their whistleblowing policy for their employees or grievance machinery. Merely stating that they have a policy will not suffice. The PPA's Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards provides that PPA shall handle complaints and/or grievances in accordance with its Grievance Machinery and/or Whistleblowing Policy. Y PPA's Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards; Whistleblowing Policy
  I 6.b  Does the GOCC have procedures to protect an employee/person who reveals illegal/unethical behavior from retaliation? Y The GOCC should explicitly disclose the procedures/mechanism in place that protects the whistleblower from retaliation Section 9 of PPA's Whistleblowing Policy provides for protection of a whistleblower against retaliation. Retaliatory acts against whistleblowers who submit Whistleblowing Reports in good faith shall not be tolerated by the PPA which shall extend all possible assistance to the whistleblower under the law and given circumstances. Y PPA's Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards; Whistleblowing Policy
  II. Disclosure and Transparency      
  II 7.a  Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Corporate objectives Y The GOCC's corporate objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Showing the GOCC's performance scorecard will also be given points. The Mission, Vision, Mandate, Core Values, Strategy Map and CSR Statements are shown in the Transparency Seal tab of PPA's website. Y
  II 7.b  Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Financial performance indicators Y Apart from declaring the financial performance indicators in the annual report and audited financial statements, declaring the financial strategic measures in the GOCC's performance scorecard will also merit points. Financial Performance Indicators are shown in the Transparency Seal tab of PPA's website. Y
  II 7.c Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Non-financial performance indicators Y Apart from declaring the non- financial performance indicators in the annual report and accomplishment reports, declaring the non-financial strategic measures in the GOCC's performance scorecard will also merit points. Non-Financial Performance Indicators are shown in the Transparency Seal tab of PPA's website. Y
  II 7.d  Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Details of whistle-blowing policy Y The GOCC must disclose the actual procedures of their whistleblowing policy for their stakeholders. Merely stating that they have a whistleblowing policy will not suffice. The details of PPA's Whistleblowing Policy is posted in PPA's website. The icon is clickable in the homepage tab. Y…
  II 7.e  Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Biographical details (at least age, qualifications, date of first appointment, relevant experience, and any other directorships of listed companies) of directors/commissioners Y All of the biographical details of ex officio and appointive direcors being asked by the item must be provided, otherwise no point will be given should there be a missing detail.   The resumes of the members of the Board of Directors of PPA are posted in the Transparency Seal tab in PPA's website. Y
  II 7.f  Does the GOCC's website disclose the following items: Training and/or continuing education programme attended by each director/commissioner Y All the trainings of Appointive Directors up until the year being assessed must be disclosed. If the Appointive Director did not attend a meeting on the year being assessed, a statement regarding his lack of training must be made in order to garner points for this item. None. N  
  II 9 Does the GOCC's website contain a statement confirming the company's full compliance with the code of corporate governance and where there is non-compliance, identify and explain reasons for each such issue? Y The GOCC must state that it fully complies with the code of corporate governance and if there is non-compliance, it must explain the reason for the non-compliance.

Merely stating that the GOC "generally complies" with the code of corporate governance will not be taken as full compliance and will not garner any points
None. N  
  III. Board Responsibility      
  III 11.a  Has the Board of Directors reviewed the vision and mission/ strategy in the last financial year? Y The GOCC must disclose that the Board has reviewed the mission, vision and strategy during the year being assessed. The date of review must also be indicated. Merely stating the GOCC's mssion, vision and strategy, and posting documents (strategy map and scorecard) will not be given points. It presented to the Board of Directors for consideration/approval during the 486th Regular Board Meeting held on October 29, 2020. Y Secretary's Certificate dated December 22, 2020
  III 11.b  Does the Board of Directors monitor/oversee the implementation of the corporate strategy? Y There should be a disclosure on how the Board oversees the implementation of the corporate strategy. Disclosed in the PPA's Annual Report posted at PPA Website. Y 
  III 13.a  Are the details of the code of ethics or conduct disclosed? Y The details of the Code of Ethics or Conduct must be disclosed. Merely stating that the GOCC has a Code of Ethics without divulging information on the coverage of the Code or how breaches are handled will not suffice. Disclosed in the PPA's Code of Conduct posted at PPA Website. Y…
  III 13.b  Does the GOCC disclose that all Directors/Commissioners, senior management and employees are required to comply with the code? Y It must be explicitly stated that all the Directors, senior management and the employees are required to comply with the Code. If the Code is only for employees, the item will be marked as "N."  Disclosed in the PPA's Code of Conduct, Section I, Coverage, posted at PPA Website. Y…
  III 13.c  Does the company disclose how it implements and monitors compliance with the code of ethics or conduct? Y Examples of activities done in order to implement or monitor compliance with the Code of Ethics/Conduct are:

 c-ommunicating the code to all existing and new employees and directors
- making the code available on the company intranet for ease of access
- requiring all parties to declare annually that they have complied with the code of ethics or conduct 
One of the topics discussed during the conduct of orientation for newly-hired employees; and other training programs. Y…
  III 14 Does the Board appoint  a Nomination Compensation / Remuneration Committee?   Y The GOCC must disclose  the names of all  of the members of its Nomination, Compensation / Remuneration Committee during the year being assessed. Merely stating the name of the office/agency of the Ex Officio Member will not suffice and will not garner any points.  There is a Nomination and Remunerations Committee composed of the following: (1) Chairman, GM Jay Daniel R. Santiago, General Manager, PP; (2) Member,Philip S. Tuazon, Private Sector; (3) Member, Admiral Robert A. Empedrad, MARINA. Y 
  III 15 Did the Nomination Compensation/Remuneration Committee meet at least twice during the year? Y The GOCC must publish the meeting attendance records during the year being assessed.  The Nomination and Remunerations Committee had 2 meetings for CY2020.  Y
  III 16 If yes, is the report of the Nomination Compensation/Remuneration Committee publicly disclosed? Y The GOCC must publish an accomplishment report of the committee and/or minnutes of the meetings held.   N  
  III 17 Does the Board appoint  an Audit Committee?  Y The GOCC must disclose  the names of all  of the members of its Audit Committee during the year being assessed. Merely stating the name of the office/agency of the Ex Officio Member will not suffice and will not garner any points.  There is an Audit and Risk Management Committee, composed of the following: (1) Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez, DOF, Chairman; (2) Acting Secretary Karl Kendrick T. Chua, NEDA, Member; (3) Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, DTI, Member. Y
  III 18 If yes, is the report of the Audit Committee publicly disclosed?  Y The GOCC must publish an accomplishment report of the committee and/or minnutes of the meetings held.   N  
  III 19 Does at least one member of the Audit Committee have an audit, accounting or finance background (qualification or experience)? Y The educational qualifications and/or work experience of the Audit Committee Members should be disclosed. At least one of the Audit Committee Members must have an audit, accounting or finance educational or work background in order to garner points for this item. Please see profile of Secretary Carlos Dominguez. Y
  III 20 Did the Audit Committee meet at least four times during the year? Y The GOCC must disclose all the audit committee meetings held during the year being assessed. The Audit and Risk Management Committee was not able to meet on CY2020 because of the Pandemic. N  
  III 21 Does the Board appoint a Risk Management Committee?  Y The GOCC must disclose  the names of all  of the members of its Risk Management Committee during the year being assessed. Merely stating the name of the office/agency of the Ex Officio Member will not suffice and will not garner any points.  Risk Management is part of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. Y
  III 22 If yes, is the report on Risk Management Committee publicly disclosed?  Y The GOCC must publish an accomplishment report of the committee and/or minnutes of the meetings held.   N  
 III 23 Does at least one member of the Risk Management Committee have a background in finance and investments? Y The educational qualifications and/or work experience of the Risk Management Committee Members should be disclosed. At least one of the Risk Management Committee Members must have an investment and finance educational or work background in order to garner points for this item. Please see profile of Secretary Carlos Dominguez. Y
  III 24.a  Are the Board of Directors meetings scheduled at the beginning of the year? (end of Q1) Y The GOCC must explicitly disclose that the meetings held on the year being assessed were scheduled well in advance and when they were scheduled.    The Board approved the proposed schedule of Board meetings for CY2020. Y
  III 24.b  Does the Board of Directors meet at least monthly? Y The GOCC must show its attendance records that there were monthly meeting held. Board Meeting is being held monthly. However, due to Pandemic, the Board was not able to meet in March, April and May, i.e., during the height of lockdowns and announcement of ECQ. Y
  III 24.c  Did the Board of Directors meet on at least 75% on their scheduled meetings? Y In order to garner points for this item, the GOCC must be able to first prove that meetings were scheduled in advance (Q. 24.a.) Afterwhich, a schedule of actual meetings held must be shown to prove that the Board met on at least 75% of their scheduled meetings. Board meets at least once a month. Y
  III 24.d  Has each of the directors/commissioners attended at least 90% of all the board meetings held during the year? Y All of the attendance of Appointive and Ex Officio/Alternate Directors must be considered and all of them should have attended at least 90% of the board meetings held during the year in order to garner points for this item. Board meets at least once a month. Y
  III 24.e  Did the Board of Directors meet separately at least once during the year without the President/CEO present? Y The GOCC must explicitly state a meeting held on a specific date wherein the Board met without the President/CEO present. The General Manager is 100% present. N
  III 25.a  Does the GOCC have a policy that stipulates board papers for Board of Directors/Commissioners meetings be provided to the Board at least three (3) working days in advance of the board meeting? Y The GOCC must clearly dislclose that the Board was provided with the board papers for the upcoming meeting at least 3 working days in advance of the said meeting. At least 3 working days. Board papers are presented to the Board. Y  
  III 25.b  Is the Board Secretary trained in legal, accountancy or company secretarial practices? Y The GOCC should disclose the educational and work background of the Corporate Secretary. In order to garner points for this item, there should be proof that the Corporate Secretary has legal, accountancy or secretarial educational/work background.   The Acting Board Secretary, Atty. Danah S. Jaramillo, with Roll No. 49029, is a graduate of law. Y Certificate of Membership in the Philippine Bar
  III 26.a  Does the company have a separate internal audit function? Y There should be a clear showing that there is a separate internal audit function in the GOCC, whether it be a singular internal auditor, an entire internal audit department or an external firm. If it is a secondary function of an existing staff or department, the GOCC will not garner points for this item. There is a separate Internal Audit Department in PPA. Y
  III 26.b Does the appointment and removal of the internal auditor require the recommendation of the Audit Committee? Y The GOCC should explicitly state that the appointment and removal of the internal auditor require the approval of the Audit Committee.Should the charter of the GOCC provide for another mode of appointment/removal of the internal audtor, this should also be stated in order for the assessors to consider such issue. Internal Audit Department (IAD) is a regular department. It observes Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations. N  
  III 27.a  Does the company disclose the internal control procedures/risk management systems it has in place? Y The GOCC must name all the key internal control procedures and its risk management system. There should also be an assignment of responsibilities in order to garner points for this item GCG-approved PPA Rationalization Plan, Revised Delegations of Authority Y  
  III 27.b  Does the Annual Report disclose that the board of directors/commissioners has conducted a review of the company's material controls (including operational, financial and compliance controls) and risk management systems? Y The GOCC's annual report must explicitly state that the Board conducted a review of the company's risk management system and material controls during the year being assessed. Note: For the year 2020, the Audit and Risk Management Committee was not able to meet due to pandemic. N  
  III 27.c  Does the company disclose how key risks are managed? Y The GOCC must disclose all of its key risks (operational, compliance and financial) and how they are being managed. Merely disclosing a list of risks will not garner any points.   N  
  III 27.d  Does the Annual Report contain a statement from the Board of Directors or Audit Committee commenting on the adequacy of the GOCC's internal controls/risk management systems? Y The GOCC's Board or Audit Committee must explicitly state that the GOCC's risk management systems and internal controls are adequate   N  
  III 28 Do different persons assume the roles of Chairman and CEO? Y The GOCC's PCEO and Chairman during the year being assessed must be clearly identified in the website. An N/A rating will be given should the GOCC's charter provide that the Chairman and PCEO positions must be held by a single person. The Chairman of the PPA Board of Directors is different from the PPA General Manager. Y
  III 29.a  Does the GOCC have orientation programs for new Directors? Y The GOCC must not only state that it has an orientation programs for Directors. Details and/or coverage of the orientation program must be disclosed in order to garner points for this item. There is a Corporate Governance Training/Workshop is conducted for 2020. Y Certificate of Participation
  III 29.b  Does the GOCC have a policy that encourages Directors/Commissioners to attend on-going or continuous professional education programs? Y Apart from stating the GOCC's training policy and continuous education programs for its Directors, the GOCC may also state that it has a training budget allocated for the Directors on the year being assessed. There is a Corporate Governance Training/Workshop is conducted for 2020. Y Certificate of Participation
  III 29.c  Did all Appointive Directors attend at least 1 training for the calendar year? Y The GOCC must disclose that each Appointive Director attended at least one (1) training during the year being assessed. If there is an Appointive Director who did not attend at least one (1) training the GOCC will not garner points for this item. There is a Corporate Governance Training/Workshop is conducted for 2020. Y Certificate of Participation
  III 30.a  Is an annual performance assessment conducted of the Board of Directors? Y The GOCC should conduct its own Board Appraisal which is different from GCG's internet-Based Performance Evaluation for Directors (iPED). It must be readily apparent when the said Board Appraisal was conducted in order to garner points for this item. Completed. Y 2020 Performance Evaluation for Directors.
  III 30.b  Does the GOCC disclose the process followed in conducting the Board assessment? Y The GOCC must disclose the entire process involved in undertaking the Board Appraisal.   Y 2020 Performance Evaluation for Directors.
  III 30.c  Does the GOCC disclose the criteria used in the Board assessment? Y The GOCC should clearly state  all the criteria that the Board Members used in their Board Appraisal.   Y 2020 Performance Evaluation for Directors.
  III 31 Is an annual performance assessment conducted of the Board of Directors Committees? Y The GOCC should conduct an Appraisal of its Committees' performance during the year being assessed.  It must be readily apparent when the said Committee Appraisal was conducted in order to garner points for this item.   N  







  Name of GOCC:: Philippine Ports Authority

  Sector : Utilities andd Information-Communication

  Date Submitted ; September 29,2021

  Year Being Assessed: 2020 CGS

  II. Disclosure and Transparency      
  II 8 Are the annual reports downloadable from the GOCC's website? Y Annual reports/Financial statements on the year being assessed must be downloadable from the GOCC's website. Annual Reports are downloadable in PPA's website. Y
  II 10.a Are the audited annual financial report/statement uploaded on the website within 60 days upon receipt from COA? Y The GOCC must explicitly state the 1.) date of receipt of the AFS from COA and 2.) the date when the AFS was released/published online.

An N/A rating will be given for this item if the COA-audited financial report is not yet available or not yet transmitted to the GOCC, provided that the evidence/ proof of their financial reports have already been submitted for audit and that they disclose their unaudited financial reports instead.
AFS was received on July 21, 2021. It was posted in the website on August 3, 2021. Y Please see request for posting in the website the 2020 AAR.
  II 10.b Is the annual report released within 90 days from release of audited financial report? Y The GOCC must explicitly state the 1.) date of receipt of the AFS from COA and 2.) the date when the Annual Report was released/published online The 2020 Annual Report was published online on September 14, 2021.The Audit Report was transmitted by COA on July, 21, 2021. Y
  II 10.c Is the true and fairness/fair representation of the annual financial statement/reports affirmed by the board of directors/commissioners and/or the relevant officers of the company? Y There should be a statement onlione made by the Directors and/or relevant officers confirming the truth/veracity and fairness of the GOCC's financial statements. The 2020 Financial Statements contains a Statement of Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements which was signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and PPA General Manager. Y Please see Statement of Management's Responsibility for Financial Statements
  III. Responsibilities of the Board      
  III 12 Did the GOCC achieve 90% in the PES? Y The GOCC must publish the GCG-validated performance scorecard on the year being assessed. Awaiting results of validated 2020 Performance Scorecard from GCG. PPA self-rated the scorecard at 92.80% Y Please see self-rated 2020 Performance Scorecard.
 IV. Bonus              
  IV 1 Stakeholder Relationship Does the GOCC practice Global Reporting Index (GRI) on its annual reports? Y The GOCC must publicly disclose that it has adopted integrated reporting based on the GRI framework for its disclosures.   N  
  IV 2 Timely release of annual financial report Is the audited annual financial report/statement released within 30 days upon receipt from COA? Y The GOCC must explicitly state the date when the AFS was released from COA and when it was plublished. AFS was received on July 21, 2021. It was posted in the website on August 3, 2021. Y Please see request for posting in the website the 2020 AAR.
 V. Penalty              
  V 1 Responsibilities of the Board Are there members of the Board of Directors who hold more than five (5) positions in GOCCs and PLCs? N The GOCC must name all the directorships of their Appointive Direcotrs to other GOCCs and PLCs. Should the Director have more than 5 positions in other GOCCs and PLCs, the GOCC will be marked N on this item.   N  
  V 2 Responsibilities of the Board Is there non-compliance with Good Governance Conditions? N The GOCC must disclose the results of GCG's evaluation of its good governance conditions. Should the GOCC fail to comply with two or more conditions, it will be marked N on this item.