
Type Number Issuance Date Subject File
MC 007-1993 Jan 15, 1993 Charging Basis of Wharfage Dues on Live Animals
MC 023-1992 Nov 17, 1992 Wharfage Rates for Roll-on/Roll-off Cargoes on a per Vehicle Basis Applicable in All Ports Under PMO Batangas
AO 005-1992 Jul 31, 1992 Scheduling and Assignment of Pilots to Service Vessels
AO 004-1992 Jul 15, 1992 Prescribing the Term of All Harbor Pilots` Appointments to One (1) Year
MC 005-1992 Apr 13, 1992 Cargo Handling Tariff on Rol-on-Roll-off (RORO) Cargoes
AO 002-1992 Apr 13, 1992 Reclassification of Various Products as Non-Dangerous Cargoes
MC 007-1992 Mar 24, 1992 Guidelines on Porterage Operations and Rates Determination in Philippine Ports
AO 001-1992 Mar 10, 1992 Reclassification of Paper Products, Textile, Fertilizer and Tobacco/Cigarette Cargoes as Non-Dangerous Cargoes
MC 042-1991 Nov 28, 1991 Increase in the Number of Harbor Pilot Positions at the General Santos Pilotage District
MC 027-1991 Jul 23, 1991 Standard Weights and Measurements for Bottled Cargoes of La Tondena Distillers, Inc. and San Miguel Corporation
MC 028-1991 May 04, 1991 Amendment to PPA Memorandum Circular No. 49-87 Which Clarifies PPA Memorandum Order No. 20-83
MC 013-1991 May 02, 1991 Interim Increases in Cargo Handling Charges
MC 010-1991 Mar 26, 1991 Increase in the Number of Harbor Pilot Positions at the Tacloban Pilotage District
MO 005-1991 Mar 21, 1991 Amendatory Guidelines on the Prescribed Procedures on Protests on Collection of Port Charges
MC 055-1990 Dec 21, 1990 Lifting of the Suspension on the Imposition of the New Tariff Item on the Inbound LCL/CFS for Containers
MC 054-1990 Dec 12, 1990 Supplemental Guidelines on the Basis of Berthing/Anchorage or Usage Fees Charges Against Vessels with Status Changed from Foreign to Coastwise or Vice-Versa
MC 051-1990 Nov 21, 1990 Extension of Tenure of Cargo Handling Contracts Awarded Pursuant to PPA Board Resolution o. 1010
MC 050-1990 Nov 21, 1990 Guidelines in the Implementation of the Revised Fixed Fee Policy on Government Share from Cargo Handlers
MC 037-1990 Sep 11, 1990 Clarificatory Guidelines on the PPA Percentage Government Share at the South Harbor
MC 036-1990 Sep 03, 1990 Clarification on the Implementation of New Cargo Handling Tariffs at MICT and South Harbor