Invitation to Bid

PMO Batangas

Repair/Repainting of Perimeter Lighting System Incl. Perimeter Fence at Northwest Side of Phase II, Port of Batangas, Batangas City"

Repair of Access Road Including Sidewalk of Turning Basin Northwest Portion at Phase II, Port of Batangas, Batangas City

Repair of Rock Bulkhead Incl. Concrete Pavement, Port of Nasugbo,  Nasugbo Batangas

Repair of Turning Basin's Beacon Light (2 Unitss) Port of  Batangas, Batangas City

Repair/Repainting of Perimeter Lighting System Incl. Peremeter Fence at Northwest Side of Phaae 2

Garbage Collection & Up-Keeping of Green Area, Roads & Pavement, Port of Batangas, Batangas City

Maintenance/Up-Keeping of Open Canal and River Diversion, Port of Batangas, Batangas City


Tingloy Port Development Project ,Port of Tingloy, Tingloy Batangas

Tingloy Port Development Projects

Repair of RO-RO Ramp & Back-Up Area, PTB, Fence, Lifting System & Removal of Damaged/Collapsed Breasthing Dolphins

Procurement of Various Semi-Expendable Furniture and Fixture for the Port Management Office of Batangas

Repair of Damaged R.C. Pier, Bulkhead & Lighting System, Port of Ambulong, Sibuyan, Romblon

Repair/Repainting of VTMS Radar Station Buildings

Repair/Repainting of Floating Beacon Light and Patrol Boat Lifter Including Trailer

Repair of RO-RO Ramp, Fastcraft Berth & Reblocking of Back-Up Area, Port of Tablas, Odiongan, Romblon

Repair of Fence and Vendor's Stall Including Plumbing & Electrical System, Port of Calatagan, Batangas

Repair of Ro-Ro Ramp, Fastcraft Berth & Reblocking of Back-Up Area, Port of Tablas, Odiongan, Romblon

Repair of Roadway Signages and Lane Markers

Repair of Damaged Caused by Earthquakes & Refurbishing of Offices/Partitions & Other Structures/Facilities of Admin. Building